Bruce Younger
Hello fellow Seventynians.. I'm still in Rochester, living near 12 Corners with Fran, my wife of nearly 40 years, 1 dog and 1 cat. We have two daughters, both now in their 30s and living out west. Our oldest, Rachel, and her husband just had our second grandson last week as I write this on 7/25. After working for 40 years in design/advertising/marketing I found myself out of work, so I started a business selling cheese at the Rochester Public Market. Between doing that from 5:30 am on Saturday and getting ready to go visit our kids & grandkids the following week, I don't think I'll be able to attend the reunion events. Feel free to contact me, or better yet, come by the market on Saturday up to 3 pm and say hello! I'm in Shed B (the enclosed building), space 3, close to the double doors on the west end. Peace to all!
Visit me at:
(800) 965-9020
Fax: (954) 241-5054
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