Patti Burnett (Toth)
Such great memories, such great friends. I remember the first day in Homeroom as a freshman, Mr. Szabo started talking to me in Hungarian. Toth in Hungary is like Smith in the US. I loved that our football team did so amazingly well - Pygmy Power. To this day I love cheering for the Broncos, but I don't have to wear a blue B on my sweater. It was a stretching experience racing on the boy's ski team and going to States at Whiteface. This was before Title 9 and it was Coach Carbaugh's idea. The first time our race coach saw me skiing at Bristol he yelled at me to slow down, huh? Explains my move to Colorado and ski patrolling at Copper Mountain for 23 years. I'm sure we didn't fully appreciate it at the time; but we probably had some of the best teachers in the country and to this day Brighton's standards continue to excel. But the best part of those four years was the friendships we formed. Such a quality group of human beings, who truly cared about each other. I so look forward to seeing you all.
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