Hilary Greene
Just think how much wisdom is being scattered about now that we’re all 70-ish! I’ve been in Minneapolis for the last 40 years. It has many similarities to Rochester including the seasonal changes. I retired (commenced!) 3 years ago after a rewarding career in the mental health
field. My husband died in 2020 (making that year harder and more complicated…). I moved to an apartment a year ago and am happy to put the responsibilities of home ownership aside! Now, in February I say, “look at that beautiful snow” without gathering coat, boots and shovel. My daughters enrich my life (one in Manhattan and one here). My life is full and includes volunteering with hospice, NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) and a local food shelf.
Minneapolis, of course, became the center of rage related to so much unrest. Those of us who grew up surrounded by white privilege have been challenged (belatedly) to recognize that and identify how it informed our lives. There is a lot to learn. It takes practice, doesn’t it? Much of my life has focused on respectful community building and collaboration. I seek ways to find consensus among the varied opinions and deep chasms that divide this country and cause so much pain. I try to feel hopeful about this, but many days that’s not easy. I look to you for healing ideas.
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